Zahara de los Atunes is a small fishing village on the Costa de la Luz around 30 km north of Tarifa on the Atlantic coast.

Zahara while windy can be like going back in time but on a summer¹s day it is the trendy place to be.

20 km of unspoilt white sandy beaches stretching as far as Cape Gracia. You can drive south from Zahara, as far as the lighthouse on Cape Gracia and explore the beaches.

The village has the neglected ruins of the Castillo de las Amadrabas built in the fifteenth centry by the Dukes of Medina Sidonia for protection against pirates and later used by local fishermen to store their tuna fishing equipment.

A few modern resort hotels sit alongside the traditional beach cabins and hotels. There is an excellent little beach side pizzeria.

Zaharas summer festival takes place at beginning of August each year.

Directions to Zahara: turn off the coast road (CN 340) at a little bar called Venta el Retin at km 56.

Costa de la Luz, Zahara de los Atunes Holiday Homes and Villas.

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